Partially engraved and silver gilt
Hermannstadt (now Sibiu), circa 1600
Gregorius Gunesch
H : 19,5 cm
Merkzeichen der goldschmiede Ungarns vom Mittelalter bis 1867, 1936, n°1342.
Daniela Dâmboiu, Breasla aurarilor din sibiu între secolele XV-XVII, 2008, p. 267.
High beakers like this are frequently found in Germanic regions, from Hungary to Alsace. The decorations, engraved and gilded, consist of arabesques and medallions inhabited by human profiles reminiscent of some graphic models by Virgil Solis (1514-1562). The city of Hermannstadt, like Brasov, attracted German emigrants as early as the 12th century and quickly became the most important commercial crossroads in Transylvania.